Incepcion Spiritual Products
My Story
Why I Love What I Do
I have been a personal trainer for over 25 years and fitness and nutrition instructor for over 16 years. I had a desire to make a difference in the world and I felt helping people was a good way to do it. It all started with wanting to change my own life early on. Around 5 years of age, I felt things weren't right and thus began my inquisition into the aberrations and what I could do about them. After anguishing through the educational process/system of elementary, high school, and college, where I earned a BFA in graphic arts, I worked as a G.A. for a few years before shifting into the field of life enhancement as a trainer and nutrition instructor.
I have helped thousands of people alter their physical and nutritional habits by adopting a healthier lifestyle. Then, like many of us I realized that health entailed more than just our physical bodies, we are energetic and spiritual as well. I actually found this more interesting and exciting than the physical component of humans. I read and studied many books on spirituality, quantum physics, metaphysics, energy healing, and the power of the mind. I attended dozens of seminars and workshops on these topics as I strove to expand my knowledge and innerstanding of this life experience and what makes it tick. It's what lead me to write my first book, “Innerstanding: Creating Your Life From the Inside Out”, I finished it 4/22. It's available right here.
Turns out we are very powerful creators with an abundance of innate potential to affect and even alter out life experiences in whatever way we can imagine, literally. My website is my way of reminding you that you have the ability to design the reality you desire using the thoughts and images you hold in your mind. And how you feel about yourself and your experience. If you notice I have only mentioned you and your mind because that's what matters when creating your reality. The same hold true for each one of us, so focus on what you want and leave all the other distractions alone.
I have many tools here to help you stay on track, many of them free, right here on my site. Use what resonates with you and leave the rest. And if you find that one of my t-shirts speaks to you, grab it, you will be sharing the message with all that see it. We are autonomous beings on every level and we must remember that and live life from that place of the free spirits we are.
May your life unfold exactly as you imagine it,
Peace and Blessings,
Chris C.