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Every Lil Bit Counts

As a personal trainer for many years now, I have accumulated a few life enhancing tool that are fairly easy to implement and have proven very effective. Today I'd like to share one of my tools with you. It's a little story I like to tell that puts the Law of Cause and Effect or “every-lil-bit-counts” into perspective.

The number one excuse for diminishing health is "too many commitments", so there's no time for physiological enhancement, or so I'm told. Keep in mind that some form of exercise or conditioning is recommended most days to maintain or produce efficient bodily function. Here is where the Law of Cause and Effect comes into play. The Law of Cause and Effect states— “Nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every Action has an equal and opposite reaction or consequence, We reap what we sow."

Here's my story— There are 2 individuals who have decided to build a home on their respective properties. However, they both have jobs and other commitments that draws on their building time. Thus individual number-1 (let's call him Rodin) drives past his property each day asserting he'll definitely begin tomorrow.

Individual number-2 (we'll call him Sylvester) does stop and lays at least one brick per day. Seems it could potentially take a very long time to construct a home laying one brick per day. However, one brick per day will get Sylvester a minimum of 365 brick at the end of the year, assuming he only lays one per day. Meanwhile, Rodin will have made zero progress on his project since he lacks the focus, fortitude, determination, drive, etc. to commit to his project.

The moral of this story is simple, “every-lil-bit-counts”. I would like to suggest that everyone has the minimum amount of time required to produce positive health benefits. No, ifs, ands, or, buts, this is your livelihood your playing with; however, if you decide it's something that can wait that's your choice as well.

Implementing the “every-lil-bit-counts” philosophy is about doing something everyday. In other words putting down at least one brick per day. I will leave you with a few suggestions, but you can determine what constitute a brick for you. It's advantageous to address as many of the components of physical fitness as you can when deciding what action to take (putting down a brick) each day.

  1. Do my 5-minute workout once or more each day.

  2. Use a pedometer to measure your steps each day, aim for 10,000 step per day.

  3. Eat one less meal per day.

  4. Eat salad or drink a least one smoothie per day

  5. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

  6. Park further away from your location and walk.

  7. Take a class: yoga, spin, step, dancing, martial arts, gardening, etc.

It is my intention that this article illuminate the way toward enhanced physiology. Please check back often and share with friends. Until next time

Peace and Love,

Chris C.

Learn more about molding your reality in my new book: "Innerstanding, Creating Your Life From the Inside Out" (available here)

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