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Purpose of the Journey

It is said that humans are on a journey and the purpose is? Well that is certainly up for discussion as there are varying perspectives of the true purpose. I have a few questions myself about our purpose here. Let's just consider them food for thought shall we.

  • Is there one purpose for all being's life experience? Are we all here to learn the same lesson? Do varied and unique experiences provide us the opportunity to learn the same lesson but individually?

  • Are there many lessons experienced specific to each individuals growth? Do we come here to learn/experience what our individual souls need? So each persons experiences would be designed to impart their specific learning needs upon them.

  • Is there a set of criteria that each of our individual journey's is designed to cultivate? Will our experiences here provide the same lessons for each of us, so that when we transition from here we have all gained the same specific understandings.

  • Is there ultimately a set of criteria/learning each human must achieve to move to the next level? It is said that we will continue to return to this Earth until we have gained all the perspicuity/clarity required to move to the next level.

  • If this is so, what exactly is the next level? And are there learning required to advance to each higher level? How many levels are there? Are the levels of consciousness, awareness, vibration, being, or whatever gauge is used to determine growth, that must be completed to move up or expand?

  • Will we know what lesson and what level we currently on during each incarnation? Do we know what we have learned thus far during our journey and the various experiences we have had? How many more lessons are there and what happens when we've completed all of our lessons?

As I mentioned earlier, this is just something to ponder. Heck we don't really know what the true purpose, goals, objectives of this experience we call life are. There may not be any! There are many briefs, philosophies, religions, theories, ideologies, etc. that would claim to have the answer. I do believe there is a purpose and I also believe in allowing each individual to ascertain their meaning or purpose to this experience. Namaste!

Learn more about molding your reality in my new book: "Innerstanding, Creating Your Life From the Inside Out" (available here)

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