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Releasing Stuck Energy

When we have energy that is not flowing freely through our energy channels, it can produce uneasiness, friction or resistance. We attach and hold the energy of our thoughts, positive and negative, within our body. Thoughts can be conscious, sub-conscious or unconscious, but none-the-less existing within until recognized and resolved via release. These can manifest as health issues over time when not recognized and addressed. Our goal should be to release all blocked, stuck, or stagnant energy. Fear, disease, injury, anger, are all forms of energy that are there to serve us, indicating areas of our thinking or beliefs that we need to examine and receive the learning in that moment. Positive thoughts and words contribute to our growth and flow freely and therefore do not get stuck within the body.

There are many ways we can release this stagnant energy. Breathing, meditation, exercise, dancing, yoga, music, chanting, massage, Tai Chi, detox (fasting), talking, and writing, are just a few ways that come to mind. You may have your own favorite method for releasing stuck energy from your body. The important thing is to release it. We attach and hold the energy of our thoughts within our body. Thoughts can be conscious, sub-conscious or unconscious, but none the less stuck within until recognized and resolved via release.

Before releasing the energy we are holding within, we may have an inner sense of heaviness in the heart area, head ache, stomach ache, tightness in various part of the body, or just an overall feeling of uneasiness. Negative thoughts and words can also leave an energetic residue within the body that can build up to create blockages and heaviness which can manifest into adverse conditions. Therefore, when possible speak little and speak wisely and be aware of your thoughts (this is a skill that must be cultivated but well worth it) to prevent energetic build-up and blockage.

Once the blocked energy is released we will feel lightness, joyous, peaceful, and relaxed. It's as if a weight has been lifted or a dark cloud removed exposing and allowing the light of our consciously aware heart to radiate. If we develop a habit of practicing energy release techniques, we are less likely to develop stagnant energy within our bodies. Choose varying energy movement techniques and use them often; your body and mind will thank you!

Thanks for stopping by,

Peace and blessings,


Learn more about molding your reality in my new book: "Innerstanding, Creating Your Life From the Inside Out" (available here)

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