Get Moving in the Right Direction
Move out of the ranks of the idle and begin a fitness routine. It’s not as hard as you might think. With proper preparation it’s a smooth transition from idle to action.
Why, What, When, Where
When I first started my fitness routine some 40 years ago, I was a teenager looking to get bigger and stronger. I started at home but soon determined that for what I wanted to accomplish I needed more equipment than I could afford or had space for. So I joined a gym and started going 2 to 3 times per week. I had responsibilities as we all do, but still found time. As I got older I had more responsibilities and less time. I managed to work my training into my schedule while handling my responsibilities. It started with a few days per week and after a while I was hooked. Yes there were days that I wasn’t feeling it and days that something more pressing had to be handled but all in all I maintained. To this day, I actually get there more frequently.
The American Heart Association states, “if you're inactive, doing anything is better than nothing!” Studies show that people who have a low fitness level are much more likely to die early than people who have achieved even a moderate level of fitness.” Who wants that, I know I didn't! So before you begin ask yourself these simple questions; why, what, when and where? Why exercise, what will I do for exercise, when will I do it and where will I do it?
What can drive you to beginning a fitness routine, improved health, body composition, appearance, quality of life? It’s very important that you find a reason to begin; one that will keep you motivated. Most people want to start; they just believe their schedule doesn't permit time for improving their health. Wrong answer! Pick a time in your schedule that won’t disrupt your other responsibilities. Before work is a good time for early birds to exercise, maybe you’re not a morning person, how about lunchtime or after work, for a stress busting bout of physical activity.
A fitness routine doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective, in fact initially it’s best to keep it simple. Walking, running, swimming, weight lifting; physical activities come in many forms, what excites you? After you decide, treat yourself to some fresh gear appropriate for your chosen activity. This will help keep you motivated. Next decide where it is you’ll be exercising – the gym, the park, the pool, on your bike, or at home. It doesn’t really matter where as long as you do it. Let's get moving!
Consult a physician before beginning a physical activity program.
Learn more about molding your reality in my new book: "Innerstanding, Creating Your Life From the Inside Out" (available here)