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The Phantom Condition (Do I Have It)

There is a phantom condition afflicting most people and of course they are not aware of it, thus the name phantom. It exist because people are disconnected from their spiritual essence. Our spiritual essence is that aspect of self that keeps us grounded in love, respect, and appreciation for ourselves, others, our experiences, and the Creator.

So what exactly is this phantom condition afflicting the masses, how is it described? It is a condition that has people immersed in selfish gratification through social recognition and acceptance, talk about an oxymoron. People have slipped into a black-hole of —what are they saying? what are they doing? how are they acting, dressing, eating? how much did it cost? who's looking, who's not looking? why aren't they looking at me? do they like me?

No one will admit to being afflicted but that just validates the fact that they have it. Now before you start to feel a way, know that this is not a judgement of anyone, it's an observation. There is a difference. The condition is a feed-back loop that cyclically feeds itself and perpetually continues. It was initiated through externalisms which of course came from someone(s).

These externalisms draw focus from the internal nature to the externally manufactured distractions, of which there are many. This produces the reality we collectively experience, one where there is no sense of family, unity, harmony, peace, respect, or love. Yes, people may claim to have those attributes and express them in their lives, but it's from the me/us verses them perspective.

All the while people are engaged in the currently accepted norms of thought, actions, and acquisition, that is until the next wave of trends and ideologies, flows through via the externalisms. So what is the phantom condition; its living the life pattern designed long ago, where everyone basically does the same thing. Go to indoctrination camp, become a member of the status quo and then check out. All the while following dictates regarding what you can and can't do.

This phantom condition no one recognizes exist, is the lack of family, unity, harmony, peace, respect, and love for each other. Don't get it twisted, everyone can still be an individual and have, do, and be whatever they desire and even more so when we eradicate the causes of the phantom condition. As has always been the case it is up to us as a family unified for the common cause of peace, harmony, and freedom. —Chris C.

"Innerstanding, Creating Your Life From the Inside Out" (available here)


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